BCCA Contents & Abstracts, Volume 17, 2005
Editor Scott Titsworth
ISBN 978-0-89641-416-7E-mail americanpress@flash.net to order PDFs of any article.
Hunt, Stephen K, David R. Novak, Julie L. Semlak & Kevin R. Meyer — Synthesizing the First 15 Years of the Basic Communication Course Annual: What Research Tells Us about Effective Pedagogy — Despite the popularity of the both the basic course in communication and the Basic Communication Course Annual, questions still remain about the empirical support for the ways in which we teach the basic course. This essay categorizes and synthesizes 61 empirical studies published from 1989 to 2004 in the Basic Communication Course Annual. (1-42)
Hayes, Javette G — Problematic Student Behaviors in the College Communication Classroom: Reviewing and Re-envisioning Instructional Communication Research — Climate concerns in basic communication courses often revolve around classroom management issues. Teachers may experience reality shock in the face of complex and challenging classroom situations. This essay offers new and experienced teachers a detailed review, interpretation, and critique of literature on student conduct that may contribute to the “harsh and rude reality of everyday classroom life. (43-93)
Rattenborg, Allison N., Cheri J. Simonds, Stephen K. Hunt — Preparing to Participate: An Exploration of Student Engagement Through Student Work and Instructors’ Observations — The present study investigates two instructional strategies that promote student preparation for and participation in class: reading objectives and participation sheets. In the first study, students were asked to complete the reading objectives (knowledge level questions about the assigned reading) and write the extended comments. Study 2 examined instructors’ perceptions of student preparation for and participation in class. (94-133)
Wolfsen, Amy Rachelle — A Study Exploring the Impact of Two Instructional Paradigms on State and Trait Communication Apprehension — For decades the communication field has been interested in communication apprehension (CA). However, little attention has been given to developing a link between communication apprehension and instructional strategies. To test this notion, undergraduate students at a medium sized western university were exposed to experimental classrooms involving two instructional methodologies and then asked to complete state and trait CA measures. (134-156)
Turman, Paul D. — Implementing Technology into the Basic Course: The Influence of Sex and Instructional Technology Use on Teacher Immediacy and Student Affective Learning — This study explored the impact that instructional technology use and instructor gender have on students’ perceptions of immediacy and affective learning in the basic communication course. (157-187)
- Marshall, Rodney K. & Michelle T. Violanti — Individual Conferences and the Public Speaking Class — This study examined the individual conferences created by using the online-assisted method of teaching the Public Speaking class. During the course of the semester, students completed online quizzes to assess their textbook comprehension and met individually with the instructor to prepare for the presentations in the online-assisted course. Students in the traditional course attended and participated in class without use of computers outside of class. (188-217)