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Applied Research in Coaching
and Athletics Annual

Volume 37 (2022)
Annual Subscription Rate $50.00 less 20% = $40.00 + shipping

  Shipping Total
United States $15.00 $55.00
Canada $35.00 $75.00
All other countries $45.00 $85.00

Applied Recreational Research
and Programming Annual

Volume 10, 2022 plus all back issues

Annual Subscription Rate $40.00 less 20% = $32.00 + shipping

  Shipping Total
United States $15.00 $47.00
Canada $35.00 $67.00
All other countries $45.00 $77.00

International Journal of Sport Management
VOLUME 23 (2022)
Annual Subscription Rate $200.00 less 20% = $160.00 + shipping

  Shipping Total
United States
     As published (4 shipments) $60.00 $220.00
     As published (4 shipments) $140.00 $300.00
All other countries
     As published (4 shipments) $180.00 $340.00

Journal of Student-Athlete
Educational Development and Successl

Volume 4 (2022)
Annual Subscription Rate $50.00 less 20% = $40.00 + shipping

  Shipping Total
United States $15.00 $55.00
Canada $35.00 $75.00
All other countries $45.00 $85.00