Integrating Technology into Physical Education and Health

5th ed, 2013, 256 pages, $55.95
ISBN 978-0-89641-511-9


  • New Chapter on Mobile Health and Fitness Data Solutions
  • Five new Web 2.0 Labs
  • Updated Productivity Labs to include Microsoft Office 2010 Suite
Felker cover

This fifth edition of Integrating Technology into Physical Education and Health reflects an evolution of technology trends in physical education and health, and the related disciplines of human performance, recreation, and sport. All technology, regardless of its “wow” factor, isn’t necessarily good. This book provides the reader with a mix of theory, integration, and hands-on application to determine which technologies save time and lead to the achievement of better results.

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Chapter 1 focuses on technology integration and has been updated and expanded to include software for motion analysis, delivery of a multimedia health curriculum, and the ChooseMyPlate USDA website. Chapter 2 is a completely new addition that introduces the growing technology of mobile health and fitness data solutions. Chapter 3 examines the obesity epidemic, and the role that exergaming plays in motivation, exercise adherence, and enhanced fitness. Chapter 4 compares the benefits and limitations of desktop, laptop, slate, netbook, and iPad computers and examines their usefulness in various physical activity environments. Chapter 5 takes a look at peripherals that expand the functionality of computers, and Chapter 6 covers handheld mobile computing devices, such as the Apple iPhone, and the applications that enhance instructional integration in the areas of fitness, wellness, and professional productivity. Chapter 7 provides a comprehensive examination of Web 2.0 technologies from podcasts, blogs, and wikis, to social bookmarking, mash-ups, and video streaming. Chapter 8 focuses on the Internet from bandwidth, to browsers, and search engines, and Chapter 9 serves as a primer for the hardware and software that comprise digital photography and videography.

Finally, Integration into Physical Education and Health includes step-by-step directions to complete 20 labs that focus on physical education and health content (labs 1-9), productivity (10-15), and Web 2.0 (16-20). New to the 5th edition are labs to create websites, word clouds, cloud presentations, avatars, and online assessments. In addition, productivity labs have been updated to utilize the Microsoft Office 2010 Suite and Windows MovieMaker Live.

The software needed to complete all labs in this book is available as trial software on the Internet or part of Microsoft Office 2010 Suite.



  • Chapter 1: Integrating Technology into Physical Education and Health
  • Chapter 2: Mobile Health and Fitness Data Solutions
  • Chapter 3: Exergaming ... Incorporating Fun into Exercise
  • Chapter 4: Computer Selection
  • Chapter 5: Computer Peripherals
  • Chapter 6: Mobile Computing Devices
  • Chapter 7: Web 2.0 ... Tools of the Present, Way of the Future>
  • Chapter 8: The Internet
  • Chapter 9: Digital Photography

Health and Physical Education Labs

  • Lab #1: Nutritional Analysis
  • Lab #2: Health Risk Appraisals
  • Lab #3: Fitness Assessment
  • Lab #4: PE Manager
  • Lab #5: Heart Rate Monitors
  • Lab #6: Fitness Center Design
  • Lab #7: Grading/Attendance
  • Lab #8: League Scheduling
  • Lab #9: Tournament Scheduling

Productivity Labs

  • Lab #10: Desktop Publishing
  • Lab #11: Heart Rate Calculator
  • Lab #12; Digital Game
  • Lab #13: Web Resource
  • Lab #14: Podcasting
  • Lab #15: Digital Portfolio

Web 2.0 Labs

  • Lab #16: Speaking Avatars
  • Lab #17: Website Design
  • Lab #18: Word Clouds
  • Lab #19: Cloud-Based Presentations
  • Lab #20: Survey/Assessment>


  • Appendix A: Physical Education and Health Websites
  • Appendix B: Web 2.0 Tools
  • Appendix C: Technology Timeline


Ken Felker, Professor of Health and Physical Education at Edinboro University, has personally used and integrated technology into physical education and health classes for nearly 30 years. He was named Edinboro University Technology Scholar in 2004, and has published and presented nationally and internationally on numerous technologies and their applications throughout his career. Dr. Felker currently serves as Health and Physical Education Curriculum Specialist for Learning & Leading with Technology, a journal of the International Society for Technology Education. He was selected as the 1998 Pennsylvania Health Educator of the Year, the 1999 Eastern District AAHPERD Outstanding Health Professional, and was a finalist for the National Health Educator of the Year in 1999. In 2006, Dr. Felker received the PSAHPERD Cottrell Award, and was honored in 2009 with the Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology at the International Conference on College Teaching and Learning.