Integrating Technology into Fitness, Health & Physical Education

6th ed, 2018, 131 full color pages, $50.95 (includes shipping)
ISBN 978-0-89641-571-3

Felker cover

The 6th Edition of Integrating Technology into Fitness, Health & Physical Education updates and expands on the previous text. A strong case is made for the opportunity technology provides to support behavior change, skill development and fitness enhancement. This edition provides a balance of theory, technology content, and hands-on application to provide today’s fitness, health, and physical education professional with the background and confidence to successfully select and integrate appropriate technology solutions.

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Section 1—This section presents current literature to help understand the connection between fitness, health, longevity, and quality of life. Various technology strategies are presented in the broad areas of fitness, nutrition, anatomy, movement analysis, health metrics, assessment, iOS apps, and sensors. The connection between fitness, health, longevity, quality of life and technology is reinforced throughout the 22 labs in sections 2-5.

Section 2—There are six hands-on labs in this section that provide experience using a variety of web-based and computer software programs, specifically designed for fitness, health and physical education. This includes a simulation program to allow users to experience consequences of texting and driving by simply sitting behind a computer. Additionally, there is a lab that will help determine functional age and the related behaviors that influence longevity, and several labs to provide nutritional analysis and fitness assessment.

Section 3—If you use a computer, odds are that the computer probably is loaded with a version of Microsoft Office. Section 3 provides labs using Microsoft Office 2016 in a specific fitness, health, and physical education application. There are labs that use PowerPoint to create a digital game, Excel to generate a functional heart rate zone calculator, and Publisher to design a tri-fold brochure.

Section 4—This section contains seven labs using a variety of web 2.0 tools. These tools are free, feature-rich and easy to use. Web 2.0 sites are process, not content specific, therefore they provide a wealth of opportunities for any field or discipline. Labs in this section will lead to the creation of a family health tree to determined genetic health risks, an infographic to create a visual representation of statistics, and an online assessment to receive feedback from workshop or conference attendees. There are unlimited applications for the tools provided in this section.

Section 5—There is no disputing the widespread popularity of the iPad and iPhone. This section provides a hands-on experience using a sampling of the iOS applications available to the fitness, health and physical professional. There are five labs ranging from multimedia storytelling, to creation and use of QR codes, to motion analysis.

All software, web-based applications, and iOS apps iPad apps featured in this book have been tested and selected for their effecttiveness, ease of use, features, and relevance.


Section 1—Enhancing Fitness, Health & Physical Education

  • Healthcare Costs and Longevity
  • How We Die
  • Technology Solutions
  • Fitness
    Brockport Physical Fitness Test

  • Nutrition

  • Anatomy
    Primal Pictures
    Essential Anatomy 5

  • Movement Analysis

  • Health Metrics

  • Assessment
    IHT Spirit System
    Easy Grade Pro

  • iOS Apps
    Yoga Studio
    Everyday Golf Coach HD

  • Sensors
    Resting EKG (Kardia)
    Golf Club Swing Analysis (ClubHub)
    Heart Rate Monitors

  • Productivity
  • References

Section 2—Fitness, Health & Physical Education Labs

  • Lab #1: Food & Activity Tracker
  • Lab #2: Fitness Assessment/Training
  • Lab #3: Functional Age Assessment
  • Lab #4: Fitness Center Design
  • Lab #5: Grading Attendance
  • Lab #6: Texting & Driving Simulator

Section 3—Productivity Labs

  • Lab #7: Desktop Publishing
  • Lab #8: Heart Rate Zone Calculator
  • Lab #9; Digital Game
  • Lab #10: Web Resource

Section 4—Web 2.0 Labs

  • Lab #11: Family Health Tree
  • Lab #12: Speaking Avatarn
  • Lab #13: Onling Digital Portfolio
  • Lab #14: Infographics
  • Lab #15: Word Clouds
  • Lab #16: Cloud-based Presentaations
  • Lab #17: Surveys/Assessments

Section 5—iOS Labs

  • Lab #18: Multimedia Storoytelling
  • Lab #19: Weight Management Tracker
  • Lab #20: QR Code Reader/Generator
  • Lab #21: Movement Analysis
  • Lab #22: Tournament Builder


Ken Felker, Dr. Ken Felker, Professor of Health and Physical Education at Edinboro University, has used and integrated technology into physical education and health classes for more than 35 years. He was named Edinboro University 2015 Faculty Member of the Year, and 2004 Technology Scholar. Dr. Felker has written ten textbooks, published numerous technology articles, and delivered more than 125 presentations and workshops nationally and internationally on technologies and educational applications. He was selected as a 2014 Swivl Video Pioneer to develop robotic video/audio capture applications in Health and Physical Education, and most recently, appointed to the International Health Technology Advisory Board. He was selected as the 1998 Pennsylvania Health Educator of the Year, the 1999 Eastern District AAHPERD Outstanding Health Professional, and was a finalist for the National Health Educator of the Year in 1999. In 2006, Dr. Felker received the PSAHPERD Cottrell Award, and was honored in 2009 with the Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology at the International Conference on College Teaching and Learning.