Meat Science Laboratory Manual
9th edition, 220 pages, $54.95 (includes shipping)
ISBN 978-0-89641-608-6![]()
Meat Science is a complex field of study. The quality and composition of the final consumer meat product will be influenced by a variety of factors that happen before and after slaughter, and by the method(s) used to process and package the product. Knowledge of these factors and how they can be influenced is key to ensuring that meat continues to be a safe, high quality food product for the consumer.
The ninth edition of the Meat Science Laboratory Manual reflects the changes in science, technology and regulations that have taken place in the past several years and that influence teaching meat science. The exercises have been revised to incorporate the most updated practices and procedures. These exercises have been simplified and modernized to help students learn with greater ease the complicated and technical areas in meat processesing.
Use this manual as a workbook that provides many examples and step-wise procedures to follow in slaughter, fabrication, evaluation, processing, manufacturing and packaging. Foundations in meat inspection, anatomy, and quality control help the student better understand these procedures.
- Exercise 1: Orientation
- Exercise 2: Meat Inspection
- Exercise 3: Anatomy
- Exercise 4: Pork Slaughter and Dressing
- Exercise 5: Pork Evaluation
- Exercise 6: Pork Fabrication
- Exercise 7: Curing and Smoking of Meat
- Exercise 8: Sausage Manufacturing
- Exercise 9: Lamb Slaughter and Dressing
- Exercise 10: Lamb Evaluation
- Exercise 11: Lamb Fabrication
- Exercise 12: Beef Slaughter and Dressing
- Exercise 13: Beef Evaluation
- Exercise 14: Beef Fabrication
- Exercise 15: Quality Control and Packaging Procedures
- Exercise 16: Meat Cookery
- Appendix
Jeff Savell, University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor and holder of the E.M. "Manny" Rosenthal Chair in Animal Science at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Gary C. Smith is University Distinguished Professor and holder of the Monfort Chair in Meat Science, Center for Red Meat Safety, Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. He is Visiting Professor, Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.