IJSM Contents & Abstracts Volume 1 (2000)
ISBN 978-0-89641-344-3
Guest Editorial: Sport Management Enters the 3rd Millennium (C.E.) — Earle F. Zeigler — No Abstract. (1-3)
A Proposed Framework to Identify Factors Associated with International Student-athlete Adjustment to College — Lynn L. Ridinger, Donna L. Pastore — A framework formulated through extensive review of literature and ideas were synthesized from a variety of disciplines. The purpose of this article was to present the conceptual underpinnings that served as the foundation for the development of this framework. (4-24)
From Hong Kong to Hong Kong China: An Examination of the Impact of the 1997 Hand-over on Sport in Hong Kong — Karen E. Danylchuk — This study assesses the impact of the 1997 hand-over on the sport system in Hong Kong. (25-36)
A Financial Analysis of Division I-A Athletic Programs — Michael J. Mondello — The purpose of this study was to develop two mathematical models using a .05 alpha level to predict profitability of Division I-A athletic and football programs. (37-55)
Sport Management Curricular Standards 2000 Study —Undergraduate Level — William F. Stier, Jr., Robert C. Schneider — This is the first of two installments describing a national investigation into the suitability of the proposed new sport management curriculum core content standards for sport management programs.(56-69)
Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness in Canadian University Athletics — Chad London, Robert Boucher — The purpose of this study was to determine whether Canadian university athletic director's use of transformational or transactional leadership differed significantly with regard to the organizational effectiveness of their respective athletic programs.(70-87)
ISBN 978-896541-349-8
Guest Editorial: It's a Small World — David K. Stotlar — No. Abstract (89-91)
Analysis of the Top NCAA Division I Football and Basketball Programs since 1987 — Donald F. Staffo — The purpose of this study was to identify the relatively few schools that have been able to sustain a high level of success in both football and basketball from 1986-87 to the present. (92-102)
Sport in the Global Village: A Product-based Typology of the International Sport Industry — Hans M. Westerbeek — A transparent typology of the international sport industry is presented. It aims to provide researchers and practitioners around the world with a common starting point when discussing, describing, investigating, or comparing different parts of the sport industry.(103-120)
Professional Hockey in North Carolina: Predicting Game Attendance — Michael Kanter and Robert W. Wades — This study examines the predictive relationship between game knowledge, game attractiveness, economics and socio-demographics with professional hockey attendance in North Carolina. j(121-136)
Sport Management Curricular Standards 2000 Study—Graduate Level — Robert C. Schneider, William F. Stier, Jr. — This is the second installment describing a national investigation into the suitability of the proposed new sport management curriculum core content areas for sport management programs. (137-149)
NUMBER 3, JULY, 2000
ISBN 978-89641-355-9
Guest Editorial: The Globalization of Sport: Preparing Sport Managers for the 21st Century — Robin Ammon, Jr. No Abstract. j(151-153)
A Theoretical Model of Sport Spectator Consumption Behavior — Galen Trail, Dean F. Anderson, Janet Fink — Using a review of sport spectator literature, this article presents a comprehensive theoretical model to enhance our understanding and study of sport fan/spectator consumption behavior. (154-180)
Innovations in the Delivery of Television Broadcasting within Australia: The Role Sport Programming Plays in the Diffusion Process — Paul Turner — This articles shows how innovations in the television industry have profoundly affected the delivery of programs within Australia.(181-199)
To Go or Not? Relationship of Selected Variables to Game Attendance of Professional Basketball Season Ticket Holders — James J. Zhang, Kenneth W. Wall, Dennis W. Smith — This study examines the relationship of selected sociodemographic, decision making, special program, and customer service variables to game attendance of NBA season ticket holders.(200-226)
Adventure Playgrounds: A British Approach to Play — David L. Jewell — This article uses the Great Britain play scheme known as Adventure Playgrounds to serve as a framework for assessing current play provision in the U.S. and enhancing the quality of play and the child centered nature of play. (227-245)
ISBN 978-89641364-1E-mail americanpress@flash.net to order PDFs of any article.
Guest Editorial: Going the Distance in the 21st Century — Donna L. Pastore — No Abstract. (249-254)
Crisis Management Planning: A Necessity for Sport Managers — G. Clayton Stoldt, Lori I. Miller, Ted D. Ayres, P.G. Comfort — A model guides sport managers through seven phases of pre-crisis planning and three stages of crisis management. (253-266)
Examining a Woman's Coaching Deficit through the Perspective of Assistant Coaches — Michael Sagas, George B. Cunningham, Frank F. Ashley — In building on the framework of attribution theory, this study analyzes the perspective of assistant coaches of women's teams to better comprehend why the ratio of females coaching women's teams is so disproportionately low. (267-282)
Corporate Sponsorship Motives among North American Companies: A Contemporary Analysis — Nancy L. Lough, Richard L. Irwin, George Short — The evolutionary nature of sport sponsorship warrants a contemporary analysis of the motives for sport sponsorship engagement to assess the significant changes that reflect a shift towards result-driven outputs. (283-(295)
Factors Influencing Student-Athletes' Perceptions of the Payment of Intercollegiate Athletes — Raymond G. Schneider — This study investigates the influence of student-athletes' sport, grade level, gender, and scholarship status on their perception toward payment of college student athletes. (296-307)