IJSM Contents & Abstracts Volume 11 (2010)
ISBN 978-0-89641-486-0
The Relative Importance of Selected Risk Relievers in Purchasing a Licensed Sport Team Jersey Online: A Conjoint Experiment — Doyeon Won, Zhu Zhang — The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative importance of a set of four risk relievers in purchasing a licensed sport team jersey online in order to suggest better risk reduction strategies to sport marketers. (1-15)
The Role of the Entrepreneurial Coach—Non-Revenue Sport Survival within Big-time Collegiate Athletics — Erianne A. Weight — Utilizing the theory of resource allocations, this study examines the perceptions of athletic directors on the influence of coaches in achieving sustained vitality in Division I-A wrestling programs. (16-30)
Text Themes in News Articles about Asian Female Olympic Athletes: A Comparison of Countries’ Print Media — Chia-Chen Yu — The major purpose of this study was to disclose differences among countries’ print media in text themes of news articles about Asian female Olympic athletes. (31-54)
The Effects of Service Provider Gender and Rater Gender on Perceived Service Quality — May Kim, Galen T. Trail — Researchers have reported gender related biases in various evaluation situations, especially in male dominant contexts. We explored possible pro-male and gender stereotype biases in the evaluation of service quality provided by employees of a sport organization. (55-70)
NCA Wrestling: Creating an Understanding of Fan Motives at Big Ten Wrestling Championships — Coyote G. Cooper, Kimberly Miloch — Since the implementation of Title IX, men’s wrestling has suffered more program eliminations than any other sport team at the intercollegiate level. In order to remain viable in future generations, it is imperative for college wrestling programs to develop strategies to increase fan interest in their sport. The purpose of the study was to identify the motives for attendance among individuals attending the Big Ten Wrestling Championships. (71-83)
Korean World Cup Soccer: Examining the Relationships among Past Success, Soccer Knowledge, National Identification and Future Interest — Jonathan M. Casper, North S. Roger Park, Michelle Gracio Harrolle — The purpose of our study was to investigate how the Koreans’ 2002 World Cup success affected future interest in the 2006 World Cup. (84-95)
Professional Sports Radio Broadcasters:an Investigation of Who is Calling the Game — Jason Sosa, Matthew McCabe — Demographic data were gathered from all 62 teams within the National Football League and the National Basketball Association on the radio broadcaster’s race. Findings indicate that despite each sport being primarily composed of racial minorities, minorities were less likely to occupy radio broadcaster positions, versus their White counterparts. (96-110)
College Perceptions of Native American Imagery in Sport — Mark Vermillion, Candace Friedrich, Lacy Holtz — Drawing from various sport management, sociology, and cultural studies writings, the study examined current prevailing cultural ideologies surrounding Native or Indigenous sport imagery. (111-140)
Measuring Spectators’ Expectations of Service Quality Provided in Basketball Stadiums in Greece — Efi Tsitskari, George Tzetzis, Nickos Aggeloussis, Nickos Vernadakis, George Costa — The aim of this study was to examine spectators’ expectations of the service provided in basketball stadiums of Northern Greece. (141-158)
ISBN 978-0-89641-487-7
An Examination of African American Coaching Representation in Men’s NCAA Sports: 1996-2006 — Trevor Bopp — In examining the racial make-up of men’s NCAA coaching staffs in all three NCAA divisions, we discuss past reasons for, and future implications of this underrepresentation. (161-178)
CSR on Tour: Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility among Golf Fans — Matthew Walker, Aubrey Kent — This mixed methods investigation reports the results of how CSR on the part of the PGA Tour can lead to various strategic outcomes. Relationships between CSR and consumers’ knowledge of, and attitude towards, the PGA Tour’s philanthropic efforts as well as consumers’ patronage intentions, financial sacrifice, and reputational assessments were evaluated. (179-206)
The Impact of Self-concept Product-image Congruity and Functional Congruity on Sport Consumers’ Brand Preference for Three Product Categories — Jin Wook Han, Jeffrey D. James, Leisa Flynn — Previous research has found that self-concept/product image congruity and functional congruity both impact consumer behavior. Three models have emerged utilizing both perspectives; no convincing argument has been put forth, however, regarding the primary use of any of the models. The current study tested the three models with convenience, shopping, and specialty products in the ski equipment market. (207-226)
Stress and Commitment in Sport Organization Employees: An analysis of the Moderating Role of Stress Buffers on Job Stress and Organizational Commitment — Woo Young Lee, Choonghoon Lim, Paul M. Pedersen— The purpose of the study is to examine the moderating role of stress buffers in the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment among sport organization employees (N = 358) in Korea.(227-247)
American Football Development in Japan: A Study of National Football League Strategies — Yuhei Inoue, Chad Seifried, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto — This study examined the development of American football in Japan. Specifically, through a historical analysis the authors discovered the NFL established the NFL Japan, created a partnership with the University of Tsukuba, and formed the Flag Football Association of Japan (FFAJ) to help further popularize the sport in that country. (248-271)
Generation Y: What Influences Them to Purchase Sport Merchandise Online? — John Miller, Sungwon Bae, Matthew McKee — This study employed the Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior to determine what influences may affect a Generation Y member, ranging from 19-24 years old, to purchase sport merchandise online. (272-283)
A Personnel Foul: Violation of the Psychological Contract in U.S. Scholastic Sport — Doyeon Won, Simon M. Pack — The purpose of the current study was to understand the relative impact of psychological contract violations on employees’ organizational outcomes. (284-303)
The New Amateurs: The National Collegiate Athletics Association’s Application of Amateurism in a Global Arena — David Pierce, Anastasios Kaburakis, Lawrence Fielding — This article describes how the NCAA developed a creative strategy that altered its application of amateurism in response to the membership seeking eased amateurism restrictions when recruiting international athletes. (304-327)
ISBN 978-0-89641-493-8
A Comparison of International and Domestic Student-Athletes Measuring Social Adjustment and Institutional Attachment to College — Nels Popp, Mary A. Hums, T. Christopher Greenwell —This study examined how well international student-athletes adjusted to college and whether their view of the purpose of collegiate sport affected their ability to adjust. (329-346)
Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Sport Management Study Abroad Programs: the Influence of Extended Intergroup Contact — George B. Cunningham, Trevor D. Bopp, Michael Sagas — In drawing from intergroup contact theory, the purpose of this study was to examine intergroup friendships, cross-cultural anxiety, and evaluations of out-group members among students (N = 20, 6 different countries) participating in a 5-week sport management study abroad program. (347-359)
An Analysis of the Relationship between Player Performance and Salary in Major League Soccer — Sangkwon Lee, John Harris — The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between players’ salaries and performance in Major League Soccer (MLS) during the 2007 season. (360-372)
Investigating the Athenians’ Current and Expected Changes in Quality of Life before the Athens 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games — Thanos Kriemadis, Stella Lievadi, Andrew Yiannakis, Nicos Karakoullis — No research has been conducted on how the Olympic Games affect the perceived quality of life of the citizens of the host city. It was hypothesized that there would be statistically significant difference between the perceived quality of life and the expected quality of life for the post-games period. (373-391)
Testing a Schema for Strategic Philanthropy in Sport — Aubrey Kent, Matthew Walker — This study analyzed how perceptions of companies in the sport industry would be influenced by different types of philanthropy, as categorized by Ricks (2005). (392-417)
Gender Differences in Sport Spectatorship among College Baseball Fans — James T. Allen, Dan Drane, Kevin K. Byon — The purpose of this study was to examine the impact that gender has on consumers’ motivation for attending collegiate baseball games. (418-439)
The Impact of Intercollegiate Athletic Participation Upon Sense of Community across Multiple Levels of Competition — Aaron W. Clopton — This article explores the connection between direct participation in intercollegiate athletics and sense of community, a salient topic in higher education that impacts college satisfaction and matriculation. (440-456)
Alcohol Consumption among Former Major League Baseball Players — Michael P. Mahoney, Ted Tedrick — Alcohol abuse plagues society at large (Office of Applied Studies, 2005) and professional sport (Malone, 1991), including baseball. Policies and educational efforts often focus on prolonging careers of athletes, yet few efforts extend to the post-career phase of former athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine alcohol use during and after careers ended among 16 retired Major League Baseball (MLB) players active between 1960 and 1999. (457-476)
Specially Admitted Student-Athletes: Their Academic Performance, Persistence, and Graduation from an NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision University — Gerald Gurney, David L. Tan, Carla A. Winters — Following academic reform changes made in 2003 by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), admissions officers at selective institutions are noticing an increase in a group of student-athletes termed specially admitted student-athletes. These students satisfy NCAA requirements and are admitted into universities without meeting the published admissions standards of the university. This study examined the success of these students pertaining to their academic performance, persistence, and graduation in college. (477-491)
ISBN 978-0-89641-495-2E-mail americanpress@flash.net to order PDFs of any article.
The Influence of Product Involvement and Fan Identification on Sponsorship Effects — Cindy Lee, Donna L. Pastore, Patricia West — The current study investigated the influence of fan identification on sponsorship effects. (493-516)
An Examination of the Relationships among Personal Values,Team Identification, Product Involvement, Product Attributes, Purchase Intention of Licensed Team Merchandise — Donghun Lee, Beth A. Cinafrone, Kevin A. Byon, Linda Schoenstedt — This study proposed and empirically examined a model that explains structural relationships among personal values, team identification, product involvement, perceived product attributes, and intention to purchase LTM. (517-540)
The Impact of Socialization on Current and Retrospective Adolescent Sport Consumption with College Students — Jonathan M. Casper, W. Chadwick Menefee — This study examined how social structural variables (fathers, mothers, siblings, friends, media, school) influence sport consumer behavior (participation, merchandise purchasing, viewership). Differences based on developmental age were also examined. (541-560)
Early Career Development in the Sport Industry: Factors Affecting Employment — Michael Hutchinson, Michael Sagas, Catherine Quatman— The purpose of this study was to identify the processes and factors contributing to employment in the sport industry. (561-580)
A Review of Historical Methods for Sport Management: How Studying History Benefits Sport Management — Chad Seifried — This article was created to examine historical methodology for the sport management profession by highlighting the benefits and limitations of historical research. The topic areas examined include: (a) a description of the general historical research design; (b) identification and selection of primary and secondary sources; (c) conducting a historical criticism (validity and reliability check); (d) data collection recommendations; and (e) writing within the historical method. (581-601)
Differences in Academic Success between Male and Female Student-Athletes: An Exploratory Study — Rhonda Gottschalk, Paul R. Milton — The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine whether or not differences exist in the grade point averages (GPA) of male and female student-athletes at a Division II university in Ohio. (602-608)
A Proposed Relationship between Beliefs about and Attitude toward Advertising through Sport — Do Young Pyun, Jeffrey James — Pyun (2006) proposed a model of attitude toward advertising through sport which includes seven beliefs hypothesized to influence attitude. The current study provides an initial test of the model. (609-627)
Index for IJSM Volume 11 (2010) — (628-631)